Jeremy N Reed's
Whistling While We Work
A guy who's day job is serving people but would love to make a living through entertainment, art and design
A Jam Promotions Adventure


Jeremy Reed is a mixture of business professional, artist, and maybe a few fries short of a happy meal. In a good way though. With more than 20 years as a Service and Operations Manager, Jeremy's side hustle is trying to create memorable things with his gifted wife, Monica Zanetti. Together they have built JAM Promotions. This venture combines their artistic talents and diverse professional experience.
In this portion of JAM Promotions is playfully called, "Whistling While We Work." A phrase that best describes Jeremy's motivation and approach to all things business and life. At Whistling While We Work we specialize in services that are aimed at meeting the needs of small businesses and really anyone, wanting to add some personality to everyday communications.